The Simple Life
But is the city life more broadening than the life down here? Does it give a man a more comprehensive view of life?
Lame Jerry
At the wild midnight hour a babe was laid on Cordy's piteous young breast—both breathed faintly until the rising of the sun, when their souls went out together. And Lame Jerry was left to live with his money—and his memories.
The House Mountain In Virginia
Our fire had sunk to embers. The gloom, the desolation, the deathlike stillness of our situation, filled every mind with silent awe, and prepared us for solemn contemplation.
The Old Plantation
Would you know how it comes about that the cuisine of Baltimore and New Orleans is the wonder and delight of the world?
Concerning Tobacco
However, to say true, my tastes are so catholic that I have never seen any cigars that I really could not smoke, except those that cost a dollar apiece.
Damming the Old Gods
Damming the old gods can only do so much before they rear their heads once again.
Cumberlands’ Quiet
The forest is quiet and lacks much to say, the sky up above goes from light blue to gray.
The Boys’ Ambition
These ambitions faded out, each in its turn; but the ambition to be a steamboatman always remained.
Old Uncle John Rosser & the Billy Goat
Uncle John’s ostensibly genius idea to take care of an angry goat.
Slow on the Drawl
Places ought to be distinct from each other, like patches on a quilt, instead of morphing into some monotonous sludge.
Back Country Escape
Where I grew up, you’d been there for generations or you hadn’t. If you hadn’t, chances were you came here to escape something.
A Visit to Alum Cave
Glaciers of alum form dense beds around the cave, a sight that’s caught the eye of many a Smoky Mountain hiker.
Hospitality Without Grudging
There aren’t many culinary errors a slather of honey-butter cannot amend.
Doorstep Reminiscences
A few old boys remember their past life, only after the corncob pipes come off the rack of course.
Star In The Valley
Chevis contemplates what an injustice it is that such a beauty goes unseen in the mountains.